Out now on the App Store https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/paperbark/id1155399928?mt=8 Now available on Windows + Mac via Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/916900/Paperbark/ Paperbark is a game that tells a charming short story of the bush, a wombat and a very hot Australian Summer. Wander through a beautifully stylised interpretation of Australia, and watch as you bring the illustrated landscape to life.

Visit the Melbhattan website here: www.melbhattan.com Melbhattan is part homage, part pastiche of the opening sequence of Woody Allen’s seminal 1979 film Manhattan. Drawn and animated by Melbourne-based cartoonist and illustrator Oslo Davis, Melbhattan features more than sixty black and white tableaux of Melbourne each composed to mimic images in Allen’s film. Melbhattan features an original score by local composer and musician Biddy Connor. www.oslodavis.com

This video is part of a body of work titled KELOID which examines how to take personal responsibility for actions taken in the past by colonial ancestors. It is a critique of colonisation from a personal point of view and is anti colonial, however it critiques myself as a descendant of colonisers. My late husband was Aboriginal and I saw the long term impact of colonisation in his life in the form of intergenerational trauma. He took his own life in 1993, the International year of the worlds Indigenous peoples. The sound track is by Biddy Connor

Species Counterpoint by Sailor Days, released 24 June 2011

Passing is a visual song from the heart that expresses loss, grief and hope in equal measure. Using the Koi as a messenger is a way to allude to the complexities inherent in the problem of the impact of our species on the planet. Koi are a beautiful Japanese fish related to the gold fish and also to carp. Carp are a pest in Australian rivers, foraging in the mud at the bottom of the river and disturbing the water quality on which much of our native fish rely, causing the decline of native species and therefore a break in the chain of healthy rivers. Soundtrack - Fanfare in Funereal D by composer Biddy Connor

Writer/Director: Beth Armstrong DOP: Tom Gleeson Editor: Jason Diffen Music: Biddy Connor Art Director: Chris Donnelly